I am an art director, illustrator, and 3D artist with a passion for creating visual content for various media platforms. With a degree in Social Communication and a specialization in Radio, TV, and Cinema from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, I have developed a keen eye for working with the corporate and advertising markets.
In 2024, I had the opportunity to make my debut at the international music festival Lollapalooza, alongside the talented DJ Suburbia at Perry's By Johnnie Walker. It was an incredible opportunity in which I had the honor of directing and developing the visual project for her show.
Currently, as a senior art director at digi&tal, I play a crucial role in developing campaign materials for a wide range of sectors, covering both online and offline media, as well as social media platforms. I have worked on projects with Banco do Brasil, Febraban Tech 2023, C&A, Burger King Brazil, and Tul, among others, showcasing my versatility, creativity, and quality as a graphic designer, illustrator, and 3D artist. I have also contributed to the editorial content lines for the Art Biennial's social media presence on Instagram and TikTok, demonstrating my expertise in motion design and trend research. I enjoy collaborating with other creative professionals and clients, and I always strive to deliver innovative and impactful solutions that meet their goals and expectations.